Thursday, March 13, 2008

Solomon Says

This is how it will go. I will no longer, by omission, pretend to know things I do not know. Lana makes an obscure reference, I nod my head. I didn’t know she was breaking up with me. Lord knows, I probably had an inappropriate expression for the situation. Lana and I standing in a phone booth, waiting for the rain to ebb, her wondering why I’ve suddenly borrowed Ethan Hawke’s tick of smiling when his character is sad, or doesn’t understand something. Then, the rain subsided a bit, and she ran off to the steps of her apartment and I walked in the drizzle towards the covered bus stop.

This is a superfluous link to read the rest of this awesome story on another page because we couldn't post the whole story here and clutter up the blog. If you want to comment on this story, I don't know which site to do it on. Probably this one. Since it's more centralized. Or the other one. The author will receive the comment either way. Please comment, by the by. He loves comments.

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